Request for Proposals--Communications Consultant: Great Lakes "Blue Economy"
GSGP is seeking a communications consultant or communication consulting firm to develop a strategic communications plan focusing on advancing the region’s “blue economy” (i.e., maritime, clean water technology/innovation, clean energy/water nexus, clean energy). The ultimate goal of the plan is to bring in additional investment in the region, from tourism, to business, to people moving to the area. The near-term goal will be to align messaging across the varied governors and premiers, so that as they make their pitches about their state or province, they are speaking with the same language on the regional blue economy. Ultimately, the plan will be used both by GSGP as a group, but as individual states and provinces as well. The communications plan should also provide a springboard for additional ideas and communications activities we GSGP may want to explore further based on how this initial plan goes.
The full RFP, including general requirements; scope of services; qualifications; elements of the proposal; and evaluation criteria and selection process can be found here.